You are not alone.

Grief is a really tricky thing. There is no right way to grieve. It is okay that you are not okay. We tend to minimize and try to "fix" those that are experiencing loss. In therapy, you will find the space to express yourself. You aren't broken, so there is no need for us to fix you. 

There are many losses that we experience throughout our lives, some obvious and some more subtle. Here are some examples of what we might explore:

  • End of a marriage, partnership or relationship

  • Parenting Transitions

  • Miscarriage or pregnancy loss

  • Death infant or child

  • Chronic illness diagnosis

  • Moving

  • Retirement, job loss, or career changes

  • Financial loss

  • Serious illness or disability of self or a loved one

  • Death of a loved one

  • Changes in faith or spirituality

  • Questioning sexual or gender identity

  • Death of a pet

You don't need to navigate your loss alone. Reach out for support.