Everyone’s parenting journey is unique, but one constant is that it is hard. AND it’s always changing! It won’t always feel the way is does right now.

Being a new parent can feel so overwhelming, exhausting and confusing. You might be having intrusive thoughts that terrify you, anxiety that is disrupting your sleep and secretly feeling like you made a huge mistake being a parent. You may also be processing a loss and feel invalidated and isolated. Don't feel shameful or embarrassed - I have been there too. Here is the great news - you won't always feel this way. Our time together will be spent exploring who you want to be, both as a person and as a parent, and taking actionable steps towards the new integrated you. You are not alone, you are worthy of support.

I am eclectic in my therapeutic approach, and don’t believe that there is one magic approach that is best for all. We will explore your strengths, talk about and implement new behaviors and actions and process past trauma and loss. I have specialized training in Maternal Mental Health through 2020 Mom and Postpartum Support International. I also have my Perinatal Mental Health Certification (PMH-C).